Archive for April, 2010


Giving Props where Props is Due

ok… so i know that i tend to be something so far different from the mold that it’s humorous sometimes… not that i ever set out to be a cartoon but sometimes things happen the way they’re going to happen regardless of the way they might appear.
i paint. i paint because it makes me happy and lets me transcend all of the bullshit i have the joy of dealing with day in and day out… i mean seriously, some shit is just “hold your breath and jump in feet first” bad… since i was a teenager i had a can of spray paint handy… in one hand or another, not that i ever really knew the impact it might have… i am a child of hip-hop, i may not fit into somebody else’s mold but what i do wouldn’t exist today without hip-hop. not that it makes me self-aggrandized, socially relevant, or remotely famous, i just want to acknowledge the past that i come from because of what’s happening in the present.
i can’t say that i didn’t try to be a b-boy when i thought i could pull it off but it just wasn’t in the cards… yes i spent many a friday night with three other guys performing as much as i could practice for at chuck-e-cheese’s… for some reason it was the o way to express myself… at the time hip-hop was an infant and playing with the baby was just another way to pass the time… growing up in suburban “whitebread” america had it’s advantages and drawbacks but i was never asked not to express myself even when the expression i chose might be as silence inducing as it was when i got arrested. needless to say it was all a big misunderstanding but i experienced what it was like to be part of the machine… it sucked… i remember it well and i feel like i will always have an issue with superiors who make the rules…i don’t follow ’em now and i didn’t then… when all is said and done it;’s apparent that al of the chances and advances have come with a price… within reason it’s apparent that i could go day’s without dealing with this situation for the client… what’s next…. time to fly?

April 2010