Posts Tagged ‘new pop surrealism


1000 “likes” on facebook

So, what’s all the hubbub about Facebook Fan Pages and what’s the deal with 1000 Fans? Well, if you don’t have a fan page you’d never know but it doesn’t work like your “standard” account. Until 1000 fans like you there are some less than stellar drawbacks. Currently you can’t tag N! in a photo and have it link to the N! fan page, and that’s just the start. Now if I had the budget to advertise on Facebook I could gain the number of fans to change this but I’d pay for each and every fan Facebook brought to my page. I don’t have the budget and to be quite honest I’m not in love with the idea of paying for fans. I do however like the idea of rewarding people for spreading the word about N! and this is why I’ve created this promotion.

In order to be treated by Facebook as “real” I need to have 1000 fans, this changes the status of the fan page and allows N! to operate the way most people can on Facebook. This is where I’m enlisting the help of my current fans. In order to reach my goal I need your help, but I don’t expect anyone to do so without potentially getting something in return so as incentive. In this case that just happens to be an original piece of artwork! (pretty cool eh?)

Now for the nitty gritty… in order to participate the first step is to promote the N! Satterfield fan page, you can do this any way you see fit via blog, website, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Digg, etc. This can simply be done by posting a link to my website and instructing folks to click on the “like” button. The second step is to let your friends know to send an email message to saying that you sent them. (Yup, one of the other drawbacks is that there is no N! Satterfield messaging on Facebook… yet) I simply need to know that you sent somebody my way so I can keep a tally of who is sending whom. After reaching my goal I will contact the person with the most referrals directly to let them know they’ve won! For privacy purposes I will let that person decide if they want to be noted publicly or remain anonymous.

Thanks! to all of my current fans and thanks in advance for those of you who chose to participate and bring the “Wonderful World of N!” to the rest of the universe.

Due to the litigious nature of Facebook I am forced to mention this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Understand that by providing your information to N! Satterfield and not to Facebook, the information you provide will only be used for consideration in winning the prize indicated in the promotion. All administering for this promotion will be dealt with by N! Satterfield through and associated web sites, all inquiries should be directed to:

May 2024